God was not surprised at the suffering of His people. His foretelling Abram of the very suffering the Israelites were experiencing at the opening of Exodus (Genesis 15: 13 – 14) reveals that He knew about it. Yet He still led Israel to Egypt, and He let the enslavement continue for 400 years. What does that reveal to you about God? Does this truth have any bearing on your own life? If you need some help here, you can refer to I Peter 4:12. How does this make you feel about God? If that answer is not what you wish it would be, please confess that to Him and ask Him to transform your thoughts toward Him. He knows your thoughts already, and trusting Him with them will build your relationship with Him.
What is the significance of the name by which God introduced Himself to His people? It is such a mysterious name, it can mean something different to every person who seeks to know God by it. I believe that is because God seeks to know each of us in a uniquely personal way. However, the relationship is on His terms, and the relationship is first and foremost about Him, not about me. I encourage you to ask God to show you what He wants you to understand about Him from this name, and spend some time listening to receive His response. He does want you to know Him and enjoy Him.