Days 236 & 237 — Lamentations

Jeremiah wrote Lamentations at the fall of Jerusalem. Don’t think that he was a drama king, for people of his culture were a lot more vocal in their grief than we are in ours. Further, his circumstances were grievous. I encourage you to read with compassion for him and his people. He uses some moving imagery to tell us what that historical event was like for the people who lived through it; contemplate some of those that strike you.

Recall that Jeremiah did have hope of restoration. God foretold that they would return to their land after seventy years’ exile. That should give us hope, for God is the same today; He never changes. He is still about using for good the bad things that happen because of sin.

Why do you suppose God preserved the book of Lamentations for us? As I have pointed out many times before, God’s punishment of His Old Testament people teaches us lessons about how awful sin is, the ugly consequences it bears for the sinner, and how hopeless man’s situation is. Which makes God’s mercy and grace toward us all the more amazing.