Were those high places removed from Judah by King Asa or weren’t they? Apparently he removed them, but they didn’t stay removed, much like a weed pulled off at the ground is removed but not rooted out, and grows back again. What could a king have done to accomplish the removal effectively? Tomorrow we’ll read about the more effectual efforts of Asa’s son.
II Chronicles said that “Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life,” but what about at the end when he failed to seek God’s help against Israel and instead removed from the Temple the valuables that had been dedicated to God, in order to purchase an alliance with the king of Aram? The Law didn’t allow one to use for another purpose what had been dedicated to God. It would seem that Asa’s heart was not fully committed to the Lord in his later years. What does that reveal to you about the capability of your own heart?
Asa’s life and leadership offer object lessons to us about the persistent nature of sin. It calls for persistence in our efforts to eradicate it from our lives. The job needs to be done thoroughly, and it needs to be tended to as long as we live. Are you prepared for that? Will you renew that commitment to God today?