Day 10 -– Job 27 – 29

Job acknowledges that God brings justice for the wicked, but often not in their lifetime. While he waxes poetic about wisdom, consider: anywhere man might be able to go on this earth, he cannot find wisdom. There exists no wealth to exchange for it. God is the only source of wisdom, and has decreed that the only way for us to get it is through knowledge of Him. He offers no shortcut to wisdom. If we want it, we must invest ourselves in relationship with Him.

That’s no easy thing, to search for relationship with Him and find it. Messiah’s coming has made it much easier for us than it was for Job, but it’s still a matter of diligence in that which doesn’t always seem to bear fruit in our limited perception. How can we know One Who is so much higher than we are? Whom we can’t see or hear or touch? Faith. If we choose to believe what He tells us about Himself and about the way He has given us to approach Him, if we follow that way, He promises that He will reward “those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Job obviously invested himself in such relationship, for God obviously rewarded him with wisdom. In chapter 29 he tells what his life was like before the events of this book. Here we see what a life blessed by God looks like. Think about what such a person would look like in our culture today, and compare it to Job’s reduced state here so that you can better appreciate his plight.

Another thought worth considering is that if God is the only source of wisdom and only gives wisdom through knowledge of Him, what can we conclude about man’s wisdom apart from God?